Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Gandhi Stations

Station A: Gandhi Quotes and Video

For this station, you will watch a video by clicking here. Three things to note before you begin.
1. The video starts right as Gandhi appears so be ready to go when you click on the link.
2. Gandhi's volume is very quiet. You may need to adjust your volume so you can hear him.
3. You have questions to answer for the video. Make sure you answer them as you go.

Station C: Swadeshi Movement

For this station, you will watch a video by clicking here. As you watch the video, be sure to answer the questions on the handout.

Friday, November 17, 2017

Station 2: The Caste System
Click on the video links below to learn about the Caste System. 
You will not make it all the way through the third video before time is up, but watch as much as you can!