Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Station 3- Impact of Imperialism in Congo

Directions: Your job is to describe what you see in each picture, and also answer the question for that picture (if there is one.)

Picture 1: King Leopold's Conscience 
(the pic says pic 7 in the corner, but this is pic 1)
What is the message of this cartoon?

2: Preparing a Rubber Tree  (make sure you're in the box for picture 2!)


Picture 3: Tapping a Rubber Tree


Picture 4: A Modern Rubber Harvester

Picture 4 Question: This a modern picture. How do you think this job might have changed from the way it was done in the time of King Leopold rule in the Congo? If you think it hasn't changed, say why!

Picture 5: Amputation Victims: Failed to collect enough rubber


Picture 6: Missionaries with men holding hands severed from victims.
This picture was intended to publicize the atrocities happening in the Congo. If you were a Belgian citizen back in Belgium, how would you react to seeing this in the paper? What would you do?


Friday, October 5, 2018

Haitian Revolution Station 3

Station 3: Toussaint L'Ouverture and the Haitian Revolution

At this station you will watch the second part of the documentary that we watched yesterday and respond to the questions. You will start the video at the beginning and end at 12:20. 

Monday, October 1, 2018

Haiti Introduction: Culture, Vodou, Revolution

Plus in headphones!

Watch this video:

It will start at 24:02, and you will watch for just over 10 minutes, stopping at 34:40.

As you watch, complete the video notes sheet on page 3 of your packet.